14 NOV 2019 (THU) 14:30-15:15 | 15:45-16:30 |
Map Library, Rm10.10, 10/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Dr Wei Liu Lecturer, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
Transportation and Urban System Modelling, Optimization and Data Analytics
In this talk, I will briefly introduce recent research advances in transportation and urban system modelling, optimization and data analytics. As the behaviour of the transport and urban systems depends on the interactions between human activities and physical characteristics of infrastructures, my analyses often take an interdisciplinary approach that draws on tools from traffic flow theory, operations research, data science, urban studies, and economics. Through this talk, I will illustrate with examples how these techniques and tools from different areas can be applied to Urban Multimodal Systems, Rail and Urban Transit Systems, and Smart City. In addition, I will discuss how these research works help to understand behaviour patterns in transport systems and cities, and help to improve mobility, reliability and sustainability of the systems. During the talk, I will also highlight a few research directions, of which the main challenges arise from: (1) large-scale and dynamic modelling and management; (2) heterogeneous and changing human behaviours due to emerging concepts and technologies; (3) appropriate integration of model-driven and data-driven approaches.
Dr Calvin Tribby
Cancer Prevention Fellow,Division of Cancer Prevention, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA
Geospatial and Contextual Supports of Cancer Prevention Behaviors
Physical activity is a key health behavior for cancer prevention. Individuals with higher physical activity levels have lower risk for many types of cancer and other chronic diseases. Understanding environmental and contextual supports to facilitate change and maintenance of physical activity behavior are vital to successful behavior change. Active transportation (e.g., walking, bicycling, and public transit) is an important domain of physical activity. This seminar will discuss two recent active transportation studies. First, we studied the urban/rural context of bicycling in the U.S. In general, rural areas have worse health behaviors and health outcomes compared to urban areas. Our study found similar rates of leisure bicycling in urban and rural areas and concluded that leisure bicycling is unlikely to contribute to the overall disparities in physical activity between rural and urban areas. The second study examined the evolving use of public transit in urban areas, given the increasing competition from new travel modes (i.e., smart phone app-based ridesharing). Our research estimated the change in walking to public transit and if this change was associated with the increase in ridesharing between 2009 to 2017. Our results suggested that the change in walking to transit was not directly associated with the increase in ridesharing. However, in general, our measures of transit use showed a decline. Therefore, continued monitoring of travel modes from diverse data sources is required to track potential unintended consequences of travel-related technology changes on walking and physical activity. These two studies provide important contributions on the context and evolving nature of active transportation to track population physical activity levels.