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The Master of Transport Policy and Planning (MTP&P) programme, formerly Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning (MATPP) programme, is co-organized by the Department of Geography, the Department of Urban Planning and Design, and the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. The programme aims to provide the expanding transport sector in Hong Kong with a steady supply of well-trained professionals at the executive level, and offer training for graduates aspiring to pursue careers in the transport industry.
Since its first intake in 1997, the MTP&P programme has been attracting professionals from across the transport sector, such as road, rail, sea, and air, as well as consultants and government officials. Graduates include general managers and operations officers from MTR Corporation Limited; senior transport officers from the Hong Kong Transport Department; senior planning and development executives from Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Ltd. and Citybus; terminal planners from Hong Kong International Terminals Ltd.; management trainees and planning engineers from Airport Authority, Cargolux Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways, and Hong Kong Dragon Airlines; and graduate engineers and engineers from multinational shipping companies as well as world-renowned international consultancy firms such as AECOM Consulting Services Limited, Atkins China Ltd., Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd., and Scott Wilson Ltd.

The history of Geography teaching in the University of Hong Kong goes all the way back to 1915 when a course in Economic Geography (in combination with Economics) first entered the University curriculum that year. Back then, Geography was taught by part-time lecturers in the Faculty of Arts. In 1931, the Department of Geography was formed under the Faculty of Arts and it was housed on the top floor of the Tang Chi Ngong Building. In 1954, the Department was expanded to include Geology with the official title changed to the Department of Geography and Geology. Although Archaeology was not included as a degree course, Geography students were encouraged to develop interests and expertise in it as well. The student society today is still called the Geographical, Geological and Archaeological Society.
In 2000, the Department of Geography and Geology was renamed the Department of Geography again. With the restructuring of the Faculty of Arts, it was briefly renamed the School of Geography in 2006-2007. In 2007, the Department joined the Faculty of Social Sciences and have reverted to the name of the Department of Geography. Over time, specialist laboratories in aspects of physical geography, photogrammetry and GIS, and human geography have been established at different time to support the specialist developments in the discipline. Moreover, the Department has also built up a Map Library, which is one of the best equipped in the region, with a very sizeable collection of maps (with particular emphasis on Hong Kong and East and Southeast Asia) and air photos for supporting its extensive research and teaching activities.
Since its establishment in 1931, the Department has thus far produced over 3,300 bachelor degree graduates in Geography, and conferred over 200 higher research degree awards [59 Ph.D., 16 M.A. (Research) and 103 M.Phil.] and over 750 graduates in different taught postgraduate programmes. Many of these graduates have now become distinguished academics in their own specialties, occupied prominent positions in the Hong Kong civil service and other professions.
The Department of Urban Planning and Design (DUPAD) was established within the Faculty of Architecture, following the reorganization of the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management (CUPEM) on 1 July 2008 to continue the teaching of urban planning and related areas in housing management and transport which can be dated back to 1980. The Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning (CUSUP), which was established in 1980 and renamed as CUPEM in 1991, was reestablished to continue interdisciplinary research in urban studies and planning.
With a vision to become a globally recognized planning school, DUPAD strives for excellence in teaching and research in urban studies and urban science, aiming to reshape urban planning and urban governance in Hong Kong, Mainland China, the Belt and Road Region and beyond through world-class urban research and policy analytics. DUPAD offers a range of taught post-graduate programmes, MPhil and PhD programmes in Urban Planning, Urban Design, Housing Management, Urban Design and Transport, and Transport Policy and Planning.
Staff members of DUPAD are active researchers on prevailing issues related to urban and regional development in the global, regional and local contexts. With a primary focus on temporal and spatial aspects of sustainable development in high-rise and high-density cities like Hong Kong and other cities in China and Asia, the research programs in DUPAD aim to enhance and expand our knowledge and understanding of sustainable development issues. The findings from the research are published locally and internationally, contributing to intellectual and professional debates and informing policymaking. Staff of DUPAD also play an active role in a wide range of government boards and committees related to urban planning and design, urban redevelopment, housing, and transport. They are actively involved in professional institutes and the private sector, contributing their expertise to the fields of urban design and property management.
The Department of Civil Engineering was established in 1912, and from that time onwards, civil engineering formed the major part of a general engineering curriculum. Over the years, civil engineering has remained the pillar of engineering in Hong Kong with graduates from this Department being responsible for many of the infrastructure projects in Hong Kong.
The Department offers several postgraduate and research programmes. Currently, there are over 180 M.Phil. and Ph.D. students carrying out research on various topics and over 400 students enrolled under the MSc programme.
The Department is actively engaged in research in the various disciplines of Civil Engineering, particularly in support of the planning, design, and construction of transport infrastructure projects. Within the Department, transport and traffic engineering remains a very important and integral part of teaching and research.
The Department has also been very successful in attracting external funding. Since 2020, various grants amounting to around HK$147.3 million were secured. On transport research projects, the Department has obtained HK$5.87 million from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council since 2020, with two additional Smart Traffic Fund Projects worth a total of HK$8.9 million. In addition, the Department offers professional training courses for civil engineering graduates for Continuing Education Training requirements.
Highly Qualified and Experienced Faculty Members from Different Disciplines at the University of Hong Kong
Apart from leading experts from industry and the government serving as teachers, full-time faculty members from the University of Hong Kong, take a leading role in organizing and teaching the MTP&P programme.

Full-time HKU Teaching Staff
Leading researchers in transportation.

Professor Keumseok (Peter) Koh
BA, MA (Seoul Nat’l); PhD (Michigan State)
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor Becky P. Y. Loo, JP (Programme Director)
Professor, Department of Geography, HKU; Co-Director, Joint Lab on Future Cities, HKU

Dr. Ka Ho Tsoi
BSocSc (HKU); MSc (Leeds); PhD (HKU)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir Professor S. C. Wong, BBS, JP
Francis S Y Bong Professor in Engineering, Chair of Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, HKU; Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, HKU

Professor Tianren Yang
BEng (Tongji); MSc (Georgia Tech); MEng (Tongji); PhD (Cambridge); FRGS; MRTPI; LEED AP; PMP
Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU

Professor Jiangping Zhou
BEng (TJU); MEng (NJU); MS (Illinois); PhD (USC); CMILT
Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU; Deputy Director, Institute of Transport Studies, HKU

Professor Zhan Zhao (Programme Chief Examiner)
BEng (Tongji); MS (UBC); PhD (MIT)
Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU

Professor Weifeng Li
BSc, BEc, MSc (Peking); PhD (MIT)
Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU

Professor W. Y. Szeto
Professor and Associate Head (Teaching and Learning), Department of Civil Engineering, HKU; Director, Institute of Transport Studies, HKU

Ir Dr. Ryan C. P. Wong
BEng (Nottingham); MSc, MA, PhD (HKU); CEng; MCIHT; MHKIE; MILT; MASCE
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, HKU

Professor Junshi Xu (Deputy Programme Director)
BEng (Chongqing); MSc (McGill); PhD (UoT)
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor Steven H. S. Zhang
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor Xiaohu Zhang
Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU
Honorary/Part-time Teaching Staff
An experienced team of transport professionals.

Ir. Martin C. F. Chan
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor Andy H. F. Chow
Associate Professor, Department of Systems Engineering, HKCityU; Associate Professor (Affiliate), Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, HKCityU; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir. Candy C. Y. Ho
BEng (HKU); LLB (U of London); MA (HKU); Msc (Leeds); CEng; MHKIE; MICE
Senior Engineer, Highways Department, Hong Kong SAR Government; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir Alfred C. Y. Lam
BSc (Eng), MSc (Leeds); CEng; MICE; MHKIE; CMEngNZ; CMILT
Former Transport Specialist / Special Duties, Transport Planning Division, Transport Department, HKSAR Government; Director, LLA Consultancy Limited; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Dr. Ernest S. W. Lee, SBS, JP
BA (HKU); MSc (Cranfield UK); MBuddS, PhD (HKU); DMS (CUHK); DURP (New England); FCILT; MHKIP; RPP
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Dr. Jian Li
BSc (Beijing Inst of Econ); MEng (AIT); PhD (UBC); PEng (B.C., Canada); MITE (USA)
Partner, Success Mark Investments Ltd; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir Professor C. K. Mak, GBS, JP
BSc (Eng), MSc (Urban Planning) (HKU); FICE; FCILT; FHKIE; FHKIHT; FHKAES
Former Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Development Bureau, HKSAR Government; Honorary Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir Dr. Andy M. H. Poon
Senior Engineer, Transport Planning Division, Transport Department, HKSAR Government; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor Linda Y. N. Tjia
Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and International Studies, HKCityU; Honorary Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ms. Rainbow W. Y. Tsang
LLB (London); MEd (HKU); LLM (HKU)
Honorary Lecturer, Department of Geography, HKU

Dr. James J. Wang
BEcon (People’s U of China); MPhil (HKU); PhD (Toronto); FCILT Hon.
Research Director, Belt & Road Hong Kong Centre; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Dr. Feng Zhang
BS, MS (NJU); PhD (Maryland)
Honorary Lecturer, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor Dorothy T. F. Chan, BBS
BSocSc, MSocSc, PhD (HKU); FCILT Hon.
Head, Centre for Logistics and Transport, School of Professional and Continuing Education, HKU; Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir Professor Sam M. S. Chow
BEng (Monash), MBA (Ottawa), FCILT, CEng, MICE, MHKIE, MIEAust
Arup Fellow / Director of Consulting, Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited; Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor Stephen W. C. Ho
MSc (Strathclyde); MBA (Macau); MScIS(HKPoluU); DBA (BBP); DBA (Edinburgh Napier); Dip MS (HKU); CDipAF; FAIA; FHKSI; FICS; MHKCS; DipM; FCIM; FHKIM; DipCAM; MCAM; FIEx (Grad); FHKIoD; FCILT; Chartered Shipbrokers
Chairman, Ferguson International Freight Forwarders Ltd; Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Dr. Albert Y. S. Lam
Chief Scientist and Chief Technology Officer, Fano Labs; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HKU

Ir Professor T. F. Leung
Former Assistant Commissioner for Transport (Technical Services), Transport Department, HKSAR Government; Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ms Ting Lian
Part-time Lecturer, Department of Geography, HKU

IR Perry S. T. Poon
BEng (HKPolyU); MSocSc (HKU)
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir Wai Leung Tang
BSc (Eng), MSc (Urban Planning) (HKU); MHKIE; MHKIP
Former Deputy Commissioner/ Planning & Technical Services, Transport Department, HKSAR Government; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ir King Man Tsang
BSc, MSc (HKU); MSc (Leeds); MSc (HKPolyU); MHKIE
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Professor W. H. Tsang
MSc (Leeds); FCILT
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Ms Carolina L. C. Yip
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

A staff-student consultative committee has been established to not only foster a better understanding between the staff and students, but also to provide a channel for consultation regarding programme matters.
10/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
(852) 3917 7114
(852) 2559 8994