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Understanding the Inland Waterways Transport in the Pearl River Basin, China

12 MAR 2010 (FRI) | 19:00-20:00

Room 222, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong.



Dr James Wang Associate Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Dr. James J. Wang is associate professor at the University of Hong Kong and Fellow of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (HK) (FCILT). Born in Beijing, he received his Bachelor of Economics from the People’s University of China, M.Phil. in Geography from the University of Hong Kong, and PhD from the University of Toronto. Visiting professorship includes Le Havre University. As a China port specialist, he has been involved in more than 12 research and planning projects on major ports in China since 1995, surveyed more than 26 Chinese port cities, and published widely in various international journals on issues of port governance, competition, and port-city relationships. He contributed chapters to recently published books such as Global Logistics edited by D. Waters (2006), and Asian Container Ports by K Cullinane, D-W Song (eds.) (2006). He is also the first and major editor of Ports, Cities, and Global Supply Chains published by Ashgate in 2007.



This presentation discusses the issues concerning the inland waterway transport (IWT) in the Guangxi and Guangdong in China, based on speaker’s research work in 2009 commissioned by the Planning Dept of Hong Kong SAR Government. IWT has been regarded as an environmentally friendly mode of transport. However, it has not been well developed in this region as well as many other regions in the world. This presentation will examine the case of Pearl River Basin through an international comparison, and then discuss the local courses based on own field surveys to nine cities in the PRB.


Organizers:Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning, HKU (MATPP)

All are Welcome!!


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