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Spatial Lifecourse Epidemiology

24 OCT 2019 (THU) | 11:00-12:00

Map Library, Rm10.10, 10/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU



Peng Jia (贾鹏)

University of Twente, The Netherlands


Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong


Spatial lifecourse epidemiology has emerged at the intersection of spatial science and lifecourse epidemiology in an era of big data. The interest of spatial lifecourse epidemiology is to know not only when and where disease occur, but also when, where, and how prior exposures occur, so we can investigate etiology and identify points of intervention. Spatial lifecourse epidemiology utilizes spatial, location-based, and artificial intelligence technologies to investigate long-term effects and mechanisms of measurable environmental, behavioral, psychosocial, and biological factors on individual disease risk at an unprecedented accuracy level. The International Initiative on Spatial Lifecourse Epidemiology (ISLE) has been established as a global transdisciplinary collaborative research network, to facilitate the design and implementation of spatial lifecourse epidemiologic research. Research activities conducted in ISLE will help to realize strategic global health goals, such as WHO Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable, healthy, smart cities.


Peng Jia (贾鹏) is a faculty member at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. He is the founder of the International Initiative on Spatial Lifecourse Epidemiology (ISLE) and the president for the organizing committee of The International Symposium on Lifecourse Epidemiology and Spatial Science. He earned his M.S. in spatial science from Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S. in spatial epidemiology from the University of Florida, and Ph.D. in health geography from Louisiana State University, and conducted postdoctoral research in the University at Buffalo. He uses statistical, spatial, location-based, and artificial intelligence technologies to conduct spatial lifecourse epidemiologic research. He is also expert in planning health-care resource allocation, and optimizing hierarchical healthcare systems. He was the recipient for the Outstanding Article of the Year Award from the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Jacques May Dissertation Prize from the Association of American Geographers (AAG). He has published more than 70 papers in SCI journals, with a total impact factor of more than 600. He is currently serving as the guest editor-in-chief of two special issues of the International Journal of Epidemiology and Remote Sensing.




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10/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

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