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Using Advanced Discrete Choice Modelling Techniques to Value Transport Related Externalities

Updated: Nov 20, 2018

28 MAR 2013 (THU) | 19:00 - 20:00

Wang Gungwu Theatre, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong.



Professor Juan De Dios Ortuzar Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile

Professor Juan de Dios Ortúzar (Civil Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D.) works at the Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC). He has pioneered the development of discrete choice modelling techniques and, more recently, their application to determine willingness-to-pay for reducing externalities (accidents, noise and atmospheric pollution). In 2010 he received the first PUC Engineering Prize for his outstanding academic trajectory, and also the prestigious Humboldt Research Award in Germany. He has published over 100 papers in archival journals, co-authored Modelling Transport (Wiley, 2011) a book with over 14,000 copies sold in its four editions, and also co-authored Micro-GUTS, a simulation game to train transport planners, used by more than 50 academic institutions worldwide. He is Co-Chairman of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) and Co-Editor in Chief of Transportation Research A; he also serves in the Editorial Board of several other important journals in the field. Finally, he has managed large urban transport projects in Latin America and Europe, in particular, the design and implementation work for the largest metropolitan O-D surveys in Chile (Santiago 1991, 33,000 households; Santiago 2001-2007, 30,000 households) and, more recently, the Bogota 2011 O-D survey involving over 15,000 households.



This lecture will present a series of case studies related with the valuation of transport related externalities. We will discuss issues associated with the experimental design, data collection and model estimation in several cases, ranging from the statistical value of life, valuing reductions in noise and atmospheric pollution (in a residential location context), willingness-to-pay (WTP) for reducing the fear of walking though potentially dangerous streets, and WTP for mitigating/avoiding community separation. Issues discussed range from defining the best "payment mechanism" to use of images in stated choice experiments, to modelling issues such as the most appropriate form to compute WTP in the presence of highly flexible discrete choice models in the state of practice.



Institute of Transport Studies, HKU (ITS)



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