16 NOV 2006 (THU) | 19:00-20:00
Room 222, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong.

Dr Felix W H Chan Associate Professor Faculty of Law, HKU
Dr. Chan teaches and writes in the areas of commercial law, shipping law and information technology law. He has published in reputable journals such as International Journal of Shipping Law, Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, International Internet Law Review, Asian Journal of Comparative Law and Asia Business Law Review. His research on business logistics establishes cross-disciplinary frameworks that integrate information technology, shipping law and supply-chain management in the context of China's entry into WTO.
After almost fifteen years of lobbying and negotiation, China has finally joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in December 2001. However, foreign investors in China are still increasingly embroiled in disputes with Chinese companies due to logistics barriers. This talk examines the notion that China’s entry into the WTO and its legal reforms in line with globalisation have a significant impact on the entire system of supply-chain logistics. The existing literature reveals very little systematic research in this area from the legal perspective. With continual legal reforms, there are tremendous opportunities to fundamentally improve the logistics theory and practice processes. Within such a theoretical framework, the speaker explores the context and constraints of logistics management in China regarding its legal reform in compliance with the WTO agreements.
Organizers:Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning, HKU (MATPP)
All are Welcome!!
