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Suburbanization and Trends of Trip Making Behavior in Metropolitan China 中国大都市居住郊区化与交通出行演变趋势

07 DEC 2004 (TUE) | 19:00-20:00

Room 222, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong.


Speaker:Prof. Zhang Wenchang  Institute of Geographical Research, Chinese Academic of Sciences



Graduated from Dept of Economics in the Northern Transportation University in Beijing, Prof. Zhang has been working in the field of economic geography for more than 40 years. With his specialty in transport geography since the 1980s, he was engaged in many national research projects, and has published lot of academic books and papers, including Transport Geography in China (chief editor) and Spatial Transport Interactions and Linkages (chief editor), Economic Impacts of Beijing-Kowloon Railway (chief editor), among others.

张文尝教授1961年毕业于北京交通大学经济系。1972年至今任职于中科院地理科学与资源研究所 。1986~1998年先后担任工业与交通地理研究室、产业布局与区域经济研究室主任。2000年至今 担任人地系统与区域发展研究室学术指导,中国地理学会经济地理专业委员会委员、中国交通系统 工程学会理事、中国城市交通规划学术委员会理事、三峡移民工程咨询专家。张教授从事研究工 作43年,研究侧重于经济地理。主要研究交通运输布局、工业布局、区域开发、国土规划。先后 承担40余项研究课题;考察足迹遍及祖国大陆各省区。



Suburbanization has been accelerated in metropolitan areas in China. In the case of Beijing, since the 1990s, more and more people have been forced to move to live in the suburbs. As a parallel phenomenon, the patterns of trip generation and the traveler’s behavior have changed drastically. Inadequacy of transport networks and public transport services together with other limited public services in the newly built settlements create lot of inconvenience to those who live in these ‘sleeping towns’. This presentation provides an interim report on this issue based on the first case study of a series sampled among five major cities in China. This case of Tiantongyuan commuter’s housing estate is located just outside the ‘fifth ring road’ of Beijing, 30km north of Tiananmen. The analysis of the surveyed data reveals the real problems facing the commuters in a designated suburban dwelling community, and some ‘new-urbanism’ suggestions are made as remedy for this case and the like.

近年配合旧城区大规模改造和拆迁,中国一些较发达的特大城市在郊区开展了大规模的住宅区建 设,大批中心区居民向郊区迁移。北京市是正在受到密切注视和研究的五个特大城市之一。本讲 座是这个研究中期成果的报告。它以北京北郊天通苑居住区的问题作为个案,分析郊区化和交通 出行变化的相互关系以及其反映出的具有普遍意义的民生问题。本研究提出,参照“新城市主义 ”模式,结合城市的具体条件,加快“郊区都市化”建设,扭转“郊区睡城”现象的持续蔓延。


Organizers:Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning, HKU (MATPP)

This seminar will be presented in Putonghua

All are Welcome!!


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