13 MAR 2001 (TUE) | 19:00-20:00
Room 222, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong.
Mr Fred Brown Chief Executive Officer MVA
Mr Fred Brown is Chief Executive Officer of The MVA Group and Managing Director of MVA Asia Limited, an international transport and management consultancy organisation. Mr Brown has over 25 years experience in transport in Europe and Asia and was past Vice President of the International Council of the CIT and Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Transport, Hong Kong. He specialises in policy and infrastructure investment planning for the public and private sector and has been involved in major projects throughout the Asian region. He was the Project Director of the Railway Development Study for Hong Kong, and has been involved in railway development in Hong Kong for the Government, MTRC and KCRC and the private sector including the current West Rail, Tseung Kwan O, Ma On Shan and Cross Boundary projects. He was previously Project Director of the Urban Transport Studies for Guangzhou and Beijing, the Ho Chi Minh Urban Transport Study, is special advisor to the Shanghai Transportation Policy Project and has also acted as advisor for rail and road projects in China, Bangkok, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Manila, Kuala Lumpur and Taiwan. Mr Brown has taken a leading role in promoting integrated land use/transport development including pedestrianisation and environmental management.
Organizers:Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning, HKU (MATPP)
All are Welcome!!
